SMT - significado y definición. Qué es SMT
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Qué (quién) es SMT - definición

Smt; SMT (disambiguation)

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Station ManagemenT (Reference: FDDI)
Shared Memory Transport (Reference: X-Windows)



SMT may refer to:

Ejemplos de pronunciación para SMT
1. can say, well, what does the SMT think about this?
George Nelson _ Talks at Google
Ejemplos de uso de SMT
1. MiG says its SMT is capable of precision weapons applications against air, sea and ground targets.
2. Russia also sent four Su–30 fighters and 18 helicopters to Venezuela and two MiG–2'SMT fighters to Algeria.
3. Vypryazhkin said that by year‘s end, MiG will have delivered 20 MiG–2' SMT fighter jets and upgrades to various countries and have repaired 13 more fighters.
4. Staff Report Dubai : Russian aerospace heavyweights MiG Corporation and Irkut Corporation will roll out the latest cutting edge defence technology at the Dubai Air Show with the MiG–2'SMT multi–functional combat aircraft aiming to shock and awe visitors.
5. "The SMT was launched only last year and is the most advanced upgrade of the celebrated MiG–2' fighter," said Charles Alcock, editor of Aviation International News, a leading trade publication.